Everything You Should Know About Scrap Car Removal

Should you sell your car to a dealer, or is it better to go for scrap car removal? You may have some doubts if you’re unfamiliar with junk car removal services, but don’t worry. This guide has everything you need to know about it.

How does scrap car removal work?

Car removal is the process of removing old, unwanted, damaged, and wrecked vehicles for a secondary purpose. 

After a vehicle has been picked up from your lot, it will be taken to a facility for recycling. Here’s what happens next:

Removal of fluids

The car recycling process cannot start unless all of the vehicle’s toxic fluids have been removed. This step prevents harmful substances from leaking into the soil and reduces the risk of fires. Generally, a recycler will dispose of the engine oil, coolant, and brake fluid in the proper bins. 


This next step involves dismantling a vehicle in search of reusable parts. The engine, transmission system, GPS, and air conditioning unit are highly valuable and can still be repaired and resold to buyers for affordable prices. 

Moreover, removing a car’s parts prepares it for the next step.

Shredding and mixing

Once a car’s parts have been removed, all that is left will be a metal frame. This frame is made of various metals, primarily steel and aluminium. The frame will be placed in a large shredder that magnetically separates ferrous metals from non-ferrous metals, making the processing more efficient.

For example, steel is a ferrous metal, while aluminium is not.Magnesium, iron, and titanium are other common metals you might find in a car. After these materials have been recovered, they will be mixed with other metals to improve their strength. 


Lastly, the recycled scrap metals are separated and sent to auto manufacturers. These materials will be used to make brand-new car frames, reducing the need for freshly mined ore.

Meanwhile, the parts recovered from your car will be sold as spares to interested buyers.

Where to get scrap car removal services

Vehicle removal isn’t as inaccessible as you may expect. In fact, several companies in Sydney are offering the service—it’s up to you to find the most reliable one.

Luckily, you don’t have to search for too long. Metal Force Recycling has been in the metal scrapping business for several years, offering everything from scrap car removal to scrap metal pick-ups.

We can offer you up to $9000 in cash, depending on the condition of your vehicle. On top of that, our company can give you a quote immediately after you provide your car’s year, make, and model via 0403 191 732. Our pick-up services are also free of charge, as long as you are in Sydney!


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